Penis size worries a teenager, but even after 20 years, when the body stops growing, men worry about whether the penis is big enough to satisfy their loved one. Surgical intervention is allowed only if indicated. Therefore dissatisfied with themselves begin to look for other ways. How to enlarge the penis at home and what is needed for it - there are many methods and technologies for self-extension, it is important to choose the one that suits you best.
The main ways to increase the size of the penis
If you collect data from different sources, analyze the main methods, you can identify a few of the most common:
- Special plasters. Their effect is rather dubious.
- Exercises to increase. Efficiency is also not tested by anything.
- Surgery. It is considered an unsafe procedure that can cause various complications.
- Vacuum pumps. Some of them may be insignificant.
- Gels based on herbal ingredients. Carefully selected natural elements can bring good results.
"The bigger the better. "For a long time, an adult was driven into this truth - first, folklore with the worship of the phallus as a symbol of fertility and strength, then inexperienced friends, and then dissatisfied girls, whose remarks were aimed only at humiliating masculinity. What do we end up with? More than 50% of men of reproductive age and older dream of adding a couple, or even more inches to their penis.
What is the normal size of a penis

If you believe the statistics, on average in the world the size of an erect penis ranges from 10 cm to 18 cm. Naturally, there are up-and-down deviations, but often this is due to geographical location (or race), heredity, or various pathologies (in the case of incredibly small or large).
Also, the scientists found that at rest the length of the penis is 9 cm with a normal deviation of 2 centimeters.
When interviewing middle-aged girls and women on the topic of which penis sizes they consider optimal for successful sexual intercourse, the respondents focused on the thickness of the male sexual organ, and not on its length. According to the girls, obesity is important, and the more, the greater their pleasure and the more often they experienced vaginal orgasms.
Enlarge your penis at home
There are several popular ways to enlarge the penis at home on the Internet and hearing. Let’s take a look at the most popular ones and figure out what works and what is just a marketing ploy for the desperate.
Penis enlargement with baking soda
Yes, yes, you heard well and did not think. You can enlarge your penis with plain baking soda.
Some alternative experts recommend taking 150 ml of water a day with a teaspoon of baking soda diluted in it.
Such a solution has a beneficial effect on the body, removes toxins and thus improves the quality and duration of intercourse. However, there is no reliable data to support penis enlargement after taking a soda solution.
Another way to enlarge the penis with baking soda is to bathe in warm baths. We take the same solution we talked about a while ago and put the male sexual organ in it for 2-5 minutes. The procedure is preferably performed an hour to 40 minutes before intercourse.
The effect of this method is due to the improvement of blood circulation and vasodilation in the penis. That is, during an erection you can expect an increase in your usual size by one to two inches in length and the same in width. It is worth noting that the regularity of warm baths with soda is important, because the effect is temporary and nothing will happen at once.
Penis enlargement pump

Cunning scientists have invented an amazing device - a special pump for enlarging the penis at home.
The pump works due to the vacuum and is used not only to increase the size of the penis in men, but also for various diseases, for example, erectile dysfunction, after prostate surgery or rehabilitation after radiation therapy. In general, pure benefit and nothing more.
How the pump works
You put your penis in the pump and created a vacuum effect inside it using a special hand pump (or by pressing a button if the pump is electric). With a steady increase in pressure, the blood circulation in the penis is activated and increases in size, much more than during a natural erection.
Advantages and disadvantages of using a penis enlargement pump
This method is the safest and with proper use of the pump it is impossible to injure yourself. However, with frequent use, minor bruising and bruising may occur due to trauma to the veins near the skin.
How many inches can a penis increase with a penis? If you believe the reviews of real people, then 10 percent for sure. However, keep in mind that the effect of penis enlargement does not last forever, it usually lasts for a few hours, and after a while the penis takes on a normal size.
By using the pump regularly, you can achieve a lasting effect, but in this case you will have to use it several times every day for years. Such a frequency threatens you with lymphedema and darkening of the skin.
Exercises to increase the size of masculinity

There are several exercises to increase penis size. They aim to stretch the corpora cavernosa of the penis and can remind you of an erotic massage or masturbation with a certain set of rules. The main way to enlarge the penis at home using exercises is called jelqing.
Jelqing technique
Before performing the exercises it is necessary to warm up the penis as follows. This will protect you from injury and reduce the pain that can occur if you exercise too actively.
Prepare an improvised heating pad. Heat a little table salt in a dry pan and put it in a sock. Apply a warm sock to the penis one by one to warm it from all sides.
If you can’t bother with the heater, use a warm damp cloth or take a bath, but don’t sit for too long.
Once you warm up your penis, start jelqing.
- Apply lubricant along the entire length of the penis.
- Connect your thumb and forefinger so that they form a round letter "o".
- Start driving up and down the penis, causing a little arousal but not leading to a complete erection.
- Now, when moving, make a certain effort, as if squeezing a member. Pull out the finger ring very slowly (over 30 seconds), avoiding the head of the penis. 50 reps will suffice.
- Then you can start squeezing your palms. Place the penis between the open palms and make a certain effort, squeeze it for 10 seconds, and then pull it from the side and forward. Repeat 50 times.
By performing these simple exercises twice a day you will achieve good results in penis enlargement. Keep in mind that the most important thing in yelting is regular exercise.
One week after starting yelking, you can increase the number of repetitions to 100 or 200, at your discretion and well-being.
If you believe that examinations of men who regularly practice jelqing have managed to increase by an average of 2 cm.
Penis enlargement cream
You can often find ads for various creams and ointments to increase the size of the male member. It can be very tempting at times - but of course, just anointed and already an extra few inches in circumference and length.
In fact, all such fats have only a temporary effect, because their composition causes a local improvement in blood circulation and dilates the cavernous bodies that make up the penis.
The composition of the cream is based on natural ingredients. For example, they may contain ginger root extract, burdock, ginseng, collagen complex to improve the elasticity of penis tissue, and even some tannins.
Tablets for large penises
Another ingenious invention of modern medicine are pills and capsules that increase the size of the penis. Like fats, their composition is based primarily on natural ingredients, which minimizes possible damage and side effects during application.
In addition to increasing the length and thickness of the penis, pill manufacturers also promise increased libido, improved erection and duration of intercourse. Some also improve sperm quality and increase the likelihood of fertilization, which in itself is good for men who plan to have children.
The only drawback is that penis enlargement pills are not so easy to get, they are not sold in all sex shops, and they are even lacking in online stores.
And of course, there is no scientifically proven data to refute or prove the ability of capsules to positively affect penis size, so the method is very dubious.
Penis lengthening with weights

Yes, it didn't seem to you. Some particularly risky people hang weights on the penis to stretch it and thus increase its length. Needless to say, this is futile fun that will lead, if not to disappointment, then to injuries and ruptures of the ligaments and cavernous body of the penis?
Do not try to hang a dumbbell from your own penis, take care of yourself and take care of possible offspring. :)
Penis enlargement hormones
Penis enlargement with hormones is real, but only if you are not more than 15 years old. This is a disappointment. Otherwise, you will earn a bunch of negative effects by taking hormones.
In the bodybuilding circle, there is an opinion that taking the hormone gonadotropin has a beneficial effect on the penis and causes its growth. In fact, there will be more side effects from such therapy. Yes, gonadotropin improves erection and the quality of sexual intercourse, but this is where all the benefits stop and problems begin, more precisely hormonal disorders in the body.
There is also the opinion that testosterone is capable of restoring penis growth, and what did not grow during adolescence during the onset of this hormone, "grows" during hormone therapy. But in practice, taking testosterone has been shown to have an effect in only 5% of those looking to enlarge their penis, which is comparable to zero effectiveness.
Short-acting tricks

Temporary penis enlargement is easier to achieve by local stimulation of blood flow. Various medicines that can be found in home buckets help to amplify the effect.
Heparin ointment

A popular and inexpensive way to improve erections and enlarge the penis. It is sold without a prescription and is available at any pharmacy. Stimulates blood thinning, prevents the formation of blood clots, activates local blood flow.
It is applied in one course: rubbed into the skin of the penis 2 times a day for one week. Then take a break of 10-14 days, repeat the course if desired. If a rash, itching, or stinging occurs, discontinue use.

Soda has a local irritant effect. When applied to the skin, it enters the cells and tissues of the penis causing redness and mild swelling.
To enlarge the penis, baking soda can be used as an active ingredient in homemade fats (mixed with aloe, honey, olive oil), as well as in the form of baths or compresses. Learn more about penis enlargement methods with baking soda.

A natural preservative with antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. When applied to the skin, it softens, tones, improves blood circulation, accelerates regeneration and is filled with vitamins.
Thanks to these properties, it can be used to massage the penis even for a teenager to enlarge it. This is the safest way. The only contraindication is individual intolerance to bee products.
To increase its efficiency, honey is mixed with baking soda, aloe juice, beeswax or Zvezdochka balm. The last medicine is taken in an amount that does not exceed the head of the match. The mixture is rubbed into the skin of the penis with light massage movements for 2-3 minutes, and then rinsed. During the massage, light movements such as stretching, twisting and pushing are performed in order for the active ingredients to be absorbed faster.

Penis enlargement folk remedies involve the use of not only medicinal herbs. At home, you can find a variety of medications used to increase your dignity. One of the most popular is Vaseline, which is used for injections under the skin.
It is distributed in a very small space and the penis looks nicer. To perform the procedure, it is necessary to block the organ in the base, take out Vaseline in a syringe, carefully insert it under the skin and distribute it along its entire length.
This method requires careful maintenance and is best performed in the presence of a medical professional.
Improper distribution of Vaseline can cause serious injuries. But doctors do not approve of penis enlargement for the following reasons:
- the risk of foreign bodies entering the skin, which can lead to inflammation;
- without an adequate level of disinfection, a virus or infection can enter the bloodstream;
- Vaseline can cause serious allergies if used excessively;
A popular phrase that women claim that "size doesn’t matter" is a bit insincere when a man knows that women admire a big penis first. If genetics in this part of the anatomy has not deviated, then there is a natural solution - a folk remedy for enlarging the male organ.
Penis enlargement surgery: fast and efficient

In the modern world of plastic surgery, operations to increase the length and width of the penis have become very popular. Let’s figure out how it’s done and in general, why.
Increasing the width of the penis with implants
Falloprosthetics are indicated for men with erectile dysfunction and any diseases (congenital or acquired) that may affect the ability to have sex.
All dentures are selected individually and, depending on the type and price, have their own characteristics. Thus, the latest generation of prostheses are special inflatable and hydraulic prostheses, which are inserted into the corpora cavernosa and perform lost functions.
Penis enlargement injections
Two types of injections are used to increase the width and volume of the penis.
The first is the introduction of your own adipose tissue into the penis and it is called lipolifting. Incredibly safe and fast method, rehabilitation does not take more than a few days.
Another type of injection is a filling with hyaluronic acid. With the help of a syringe with a microneedle, a special gel is injected into the penis, which fills the space under the skin and increases the volume of the penis along its entire length by 1-2 cm.
Penis lengthening surgeries
Ligamentotomy - this is the name of the operation to increase the length of the male penis by cutting the supporting ligament of the penis. In modern medicine, a laser is used that cuts a special ligament that holds the penis in the perineal region.
So you can increase the length of the penis by 3-5 cm, and the operation itself will not take more than 15 minutes.
Opinions of doctors
- Of all the methods of expansion, andrologists, doctors of male anatomy and physiology, recognize the use of a vacuum pump. With its help, with relatively safe exposure, you can achieve maximum effect.
- Also, Kegel exercises are considered the most effective, which have a healing and strengthening effect.
- Doctors look at the problem of penis size from the point of view of removing the pathology. Thus, it is necessary to treat micropenia, congenital pathologies, deformities after injuries and diseases. All other reasons are caused by psychological complexes and the false perception of sexuality imposed by society.
Many products (we are talking about dietary supplements, creams, lotions) available for penis enlargement have not been shown to be safe or effective in the long run. Experts and researchers can easily refute them, "warns sexologist Dr. Vijaysarathi Ramanathan.
The American Urological Association states that penis enlargement surgeries cannot guarantee that there is no risk. To date, we have tested one, probably the safest procedure for patients, which is relevant for individual cases when the scrotum is high next to the genital stick. Partial separation of the scrotum can expose part of the organ, making the penis longer. The surgery takes 20 minutes and can be performed on an outpatient basis, says Dr. Michael O'Leary, a professor of urological surgery at Harvard Medical School.
How to quickly enlarge a penis at home
There are many ways to enlarge the penis at home, depending on the timing of the results:
- jelqing - in the complex you can add a centimeter in a month;
- Kegel complex;
- massage;
- burden;
- drug increase;
- extender - effect for two days;
- vacuum pump;
- cream;
- nozzles.
"Tip. To achieve a result very quickly, choosing just one drug will not help, you need a complex competent impact on the organ. "
How to enlarge a penis in a week
Cargo suspension
Hanging weights on your penis is a quick way, but quite traumatic. Weight acts on the ligaments with the corpus cavernosum, which helps to stretch the length and enlarge the penis. Perhaps a slight increase in the penis in a week, and in 2 weeks a visible result of 1, 5-2 cm. What is needed to enlarge the male organ in 7 days:
- Preheat the penis.
- Secure with drywall cable.
- Suspend the minimum load.
- Stay in this state for up to half an hour. With noticeable numbness, the load is removed.
The load increases depending on the feelings of the man. But harsh actions can hurt and maim.
The extender is another tool that helps you enlarge your penis within a week. You can choose a vacuum, a loop or a belt. The loop is more economical in cost, but does not provide the same convenience as other types. The essence of the extender is in stretching the phallus, so the tissues grow to get rid of the discomfort. The result is not short-lived, but if abused, it can affect potency. It is recommended to use up to two hours a day.
How to enlarge a penis in 5 minutes
The current rise is without consequences and is forever a myth. You can apply the pump briefly in five minutes. But this is a temporary measure to increase size and maintain potency. The pump creates a vacuum that stimulates blood flow and increases erection. The effect will disappear in an hour.
- The penis is treated with cream and inserted into a cylinder.
- To create a vacuum, air is evacuated. In that case, pressure is put on the member.
- Increased blood flow ensures an increase in masculinity volume by 5 minutes. The device has a pressure gauge that regulates the pressure.
Answers to the most popular magnification questions
Is it even possible to enlarge the penis?
Yes. But it depends on your desire. Whether you want a temporary effect or a permanent one. How many centimeters.
Are there quick ways to increase it?
Yes. The penis can be enlarged in as little as 5 minutes with the help of pumps and creams.
How to enlarge a penis for free?
Yes. To enlarge your penis, read the section on diet and exercise for free.
How to increase your manhood forever?
To make the effect of the increase last a long time, then you can use surgical intervention. But that’s okay in extreme cases. For the rest, we recommend the use of extension cords and pumps.
How to enlarge a penis in one day
During the day, you can achieve both short-term and lasting effect by increasing the operation. One of the safest methods of penis growth is special attachment. Open or closed type can be used. Such a device is suitable for long-term increase of dignity and increase of erection. For extension, it is recommended to select a closed nozzle type.
It is recommended to choose a softer material to maintain sensitivity. Silicone and latex tips are almost invisible. A similar device is used for several hours. Many people say that the result will be visible in a few days. And in three days the man already feels better in bed.
Special attention is paid to creams and gels. The manufacturer guarantees the result for 1 day, but this depends on the direct functions of the product. There are several types of medications:
- short-term (pre-sex action);
- long-term (effect is achieved in about 2 days);
- as an aid: if other methods of penis enlargement are used in parallel.
The most radical method that not every man decides on is surgery. Basically, the increase occurs in 3 days and the duration of the effect is lifelong. Surgery is more appropriate for men with obvious abnormalities in penis development. If the penis is less than 11 cm in an upright position, surgery may be allowed. Such surgical interventions are performed for:
- Length additions.
- Thickening.
"It's an important fact. The penis is surgically enlarged to 4 cm. The operation is performed by an experienced doctor under local anesthesia. "
Special exercises are useful for penis enlargement. This option is ideal for allergy sufferers who avoid applying different formulations to the penis.

The most effective are 3 exercises, each of which will be discussed in detail below. . .
The easiest way to enlarge your penis at home is to stretch. The penis must be grasped by the head and pulled out. It is recommended to perform the procedure at different angles. It is important to gradually increase the force of the impact in order to avoid tissue damage.
The stretching session should be given 10-15 minutes, only under this condition it is possible to achieve the result.
Seated parts
For this exercise it is necessary to bring the penis to a semi-upright position. The essence of the method is to pull the penis down and back, after which the man sits on it.
Such gymnastics allows you to increase the base of the penis, lengthen it and increase the size in diameter. The mechanism of action is an increase in pressure on the corpora cavernosa.
This gymnastic method also requires an incomplete erection. It is necessary to bend the penis in different directions, listening to your own feelings - it is important that there is no serious discomfort.
If the manipulation is painful, such exercise should be stopped immediately. Next time, you need to act more carefully to avoid tissue injuries.