Happiness is a multifaceted concept, and one of its aspects is comfort and joy in the sexual sphere. Each person strives for harmony with his sexual partner, understanding and satisfaction of physical needs. A man should feel confident when communicating with the opposite sex. If a man is not satisfied with the size of his penis, his thoughts will constantly return to the problem, which leads to the development of depression, impotence, withdrawal and nervousness.
Minimally invasive penile correction will help correct the situation. The network of expert clinics will always provide qualified medical care. We work with simple and complex clinical cases, adhering to the highest medical standards. Highly qualified specialists using modern diagnostic equipment and proven techniques have not helped any patient. Experienced doctors in our office can carry out aesthetic modeling of the penis in men, both on request and for medical reasons. Male intimate plastic surgery in the network of expert clinics will correct all the aesthetic characteristics of the penis in men.
Who can benefit from intimate plastic surgery?
For men:
- those who want to increase the size of the penis;
- change the shape of the penis;
- increase the strength of sexual feelings.
Absolute contraindications for intimate plastic surgery
- moderate to severe cardiovascular disease;
- deep vein thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, in the acute phase;
- cancer and autoimmune diseases;
- acute and chronic infections of the urinary system;
- mental disorders;
- venereal diseases.
- age under 18 years;
- high probability of keloid development.
Types of intimate plastic surgery for men
Enlargement of the glans penis
Currently, this procedure is possible with the introduction of drugs based on hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid is a substance natural to the human body that is used in cosmetology and plastic surgery and does not cause rejection. The introduction of hyaluronic filler in certain areas of the head of the penis reduces its sensitivity, prevents premature ejaculation, helps to prolong sexual intercourse and enhance orgasm. It is used to supplement the volume of the head of the penis or eliminate congenital changes in shape.
This procedure is performed for:
- restoration of the normal structure of the head of the penis;
- elimination of dystrophy (loss of volume) of the head of the penis;
- reduction of sensitivity of the head of the penis when it is hypersensitive;
- correction of the coronary sulcus and frenulum of the penis in cases of hypospadias/epispadias/trauma;
- improving aesthetic appeal.
methodology:High-density hyaluronic acid gel is injected submucosally into the glans penis area with distribution over the entire surface of the glans penis. The gel stretches the tissues of the head of the penis and increases volume.
result:immediately after the first procedure.
Procedure time:15-30 minutes;
rehabilitation:10 days of sexual rest, up to a month without thermal procedures;
It is recommended to repeat the procedure once every 8-12 months;
The procedure is practically painless!
Penis enlargement
Until recently, only plastic surgery was used to increase the size of the penis in men. Implants or transplants were inserted into the genital organ, which were often rejected. Another disadvantage of such operations is pain, long recovery, high cost and high risk of erectile dysfunction.
Modern intimate plastic surgery allows correction of the penis without health risks. Intimate plastic surgery of the penis is performed with hyaluronic acid. Injection into the penis stimulates the production of collagen in the cells of the organ. Hyaluronic acid injections can increase the diameter of the penis by 2-5 cm, and the result depends on the initial parameters of the penis.
- Dissatisfaction with the thickness and length of the penis.
- Structural anomalies (less curvature).
- Erectile dysfunction (early ejaculation).
- Deformation resulting from an injury to the penis.
Methodology: Penis enlargement with hyaluronic acid is performed on an outpatient basis and lasts 30-45 minutes. After the procedure, monitor the patient for several hours. The procedure is preceded by a consultation with a specialist, the patient receives full information about the characteristics of the procedure and the expected effect.
- Abstain from sex for a month.
- In some cases, taking analgesics recommended by the doctor is indicated.
- Compliance with the rules of intimate hygiene, treatment with chlorhexidine.
- Thermal procedures (sauna, solarium, hot baths) are prohibited.
Penis enlargement with intimate plastic fillers is safe. The professional clinic uses only certified high-quality drugs. They are subject to the strictest requirements. They must be non-toxic, pyrogen-free, not cause inflammation, allergic reactions and not migrate.
The effect of the procedure depends on a combination of factors: the actual parameters of the penis, the quality of the filler and skill. The results can last up to a year, during which time the hyaluronic acid slowly dissolves. If necessary, the correction of the penis size can be repeated.
In addition to size, the penis gains elasticity and looks much more impressive. This has a beneficial effect on male self-esteem and significantly improves the quality of sexual life. Men who decide on intimate correction with fillers note a noticeable result, speed, simplicity and relative painlessness.